Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Bully reviews have proven time and time again that even a non-toxic product can deliver an effective and inexpensive pest-control treatment. And so as the bed bug season starts, the company advised everyone to prepare a bed bug spray and to always pick the right one to avoid unnecessary waste of money. In addition, it also gave more tips to better the way one can fight the blood-sucking pests.
As pests, bed bugs are very sneaky. Because of their size, they can spread fast and wide without being noticed. They usually hitchhike in clothes, luggage and second-hand furniture pieces. And while it’s true that they do not transfer diseases, they are still a threat to a person’s general wellness. So, their entry must be prevented, or if they already get past the preventive steps, they must be quickly eliminated.
Since their big comeback more or less ten years ago, bed bugs cases continued to increase across the United States and even to other countries, Bed Bug Bully observed. And as the past years have shown it, July is the start of the peak season for them due to the warm summer weather. Basically, it gives this the opportunity to populate and spread speedily.
High temperature specifically speeds up the development of bed bugs from eggs to adults. In a temperature at 64 degrees F, the pests mature in 66 days. However, at 82 degrees F, they reach maturity in just 14 days. And with that, their population can double in just a short time.
Apart from that, with the increase of domestic and foreign travels during summer, they also spread wider and faster in the months of July, August and September. This basically means more people are at bigger risk of being infested.
To decrease the possibility of being infested by the pests or, in other cases, to eliminate them safely and effectively, Bed Bug Bully, a bed bug control company, gave a number of major steps to implement. First, it said that everyone must travel bed-bug-safe. It added that after the travel, inspection must be implemented to clothes, luggage and even souvenirs before getting them. And lastly, it advised everyone to prepare an effective and safe solution. It is for an immediate bed bug treatment in case any of the pests snuck into one’s item or place.
However, of all the bed bug solutions available, Bed Bug Bully highly recommends the use of its own solution. It, also called as Bed Bug Bully and manufactured by Optimal Chemical, offers a non-toxic bed bug treatment. It is classified as pesticide-exempt as it is without harsh chemical ingredients. Nonetheless, with its natural ingredients, it ensured its effectiveness. And because it can offer safety and effectiveness at the same time, Bed Bug Bully reviews raved about it as the most cost-effective bed bug solution every bed bug sufferer and even bed bug contractor can get.

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