Monday, 19 August 2013


The government of Tanzania has implemented several interventions for malaria control. One of such interventions is the delivery of treated mosquito nets to families. In indoor spraying against mosquitoes and the use of insecticide-treated nets is one of the simplest and most cost-effective technologies in fighting malaria. If it is effectively utilized it can change the malaria situation in Africa (Erdman & Kain, 2007). The challenge facing weak health systems is how to deliver such communication. Experiences from places such as Morogoro rural area, Bagamoyo, Lindi and other remote areas with poor communication network shows that health workers are confronted with challenges in delivering information on malaria control, and maternal and child health. Improving communication network in these rural areas can create a situation whereby people become more aware of the benefits of availing themselves to use the healthcare facilities thus impro... spray in the room where they sleep (Erdman & Kain, 2007). People need to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, especially from dusk to dawn since this is the time when mosquitoes that spread malaria bite. To sleep under a mosquito bed net implies having a treated net. This is where government can assist by either providing free treated mosquito nets or subsidizing the price of treated nets. Such a programmed should cover the entire population instead of focusing on a particular section. Furthermore government can go into partnership with community in preparing malaria awareness workshops. Such workshops should be both informative and entertaining such that people will be more willing to attend. Whether you are living in a high-risk area or perhaps traveling to one, mosquito nets offer essential protection against mosquitoes, flies and other insects (Erdman & Kain, 2007).

Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by anopheles mosquito. Malaria parasite causes over 2.7 million deaths in Africa per year. Each year some, 500 million people are sick with malaria, and of those, over 2 million children (which is 90%) die of malaria cases (Goldring, 2009). A worrying trend which is emerging in the fight against malaria is that insecticides are becoming less effective against mosquitoes.

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